Below is the story on how and why I set off on this mission.
My Story
My name is Andy Otero, owner and CEO of “It is what you make it”. I retired from the Air Force after over 33 years of service. I have spent my life motivating, inspiring and empowering my troops, friends and family members in an effort to bring out the best in each one of them. Many years ago I heard the phrase “It is what it is”. I did not find that phrase to be motivational nor empowering. On the contrary, I believed it allowed individuals to pass the buck and not take ownership for their actions. I began using “It is what you make it”. My goal was to instill a mindset in which people are empowered and gain a sense of personal responsibility. I wanted people to understand they have more control over any given situation than they give themselves credit for.
On April 6th, 2016 I had a double bypass. Although I had used the phrase "It is what you make it" many times before with others, I now was relying on it to get me through this situation in my life. The nurses got me up and walking immediately, the nutritionist talked to me, I went through rehab and was prescribed medication. I quickly realized that although others were trying to guide me and encourage me to get better, it was up to me and the "it is what you make it" mentality that would get me through this tough time. Of course, the many prayers and my ever loving God were instrumental in my recovery. I truly believe God helps those who help themselves.
My goal is to motivate, encourage and empower children, adults, the sick and everyone who feels that life has gotten the best of them. "It is what you make it" is a simple yet powerful phrase which applies to relationships, fitness, health, school or any situation a person is involved in. I want everyone to understand they are in control and empowered to deal with and get through any situation.
I know if you live by “It is what you make it” and truly believe in these words you will be empowered. This empowerment will free you and provide you wings which will allow you to soar as high and as far as you want to go.
Andy Otero
“It is what you make it”